#swolemates A Killer Couples Workout You Need To Try Today!

For many of us, spending time with our partner entails dinner, cocktails, the occasional movie, and some late night shenanigans in the bedroom. And, while each of these has its own unique pleasures, for many of us, we never think to share our pursuit of building muscle and strength together.

Guys usually hit the weights, and girls usually hop on the cardio machines.

Why is this?

Why do we share everything in life together except our fitness?

Well, not anymore!

We’ve got 3 great power couple workouts below to help you build muscle, strength, and a closer relationship with that special someone!

These workouts aren’t easy. In fact, they’re rather daunting, but you can take solace in the fact that you’ll have your best friend right by your side every step of the way, pushing you to be better!

Now, grab your favorite pre workout supplement and get ready to work!



Each exercise in the circuit is performed for 30 seconds of all out effort. You and your partner will alternate periods of resting and working. When one of you rests, the other works, and vice versa.

  • Jumping Jacks 30/30
  • Alternating Reverse Lunges -- 30/30
  • Push Ups -- 30/30
  • Bodyweight Squats -- 30/30
  • Inverted Rows -- 30/30
  • Mountain Climbers -- 30/30

Run through this circuit 3-5 times depending on your fitness level and time constraints, then head for the showers.


For the intermediate version of the power couple workout, work intervals are increased to 60 seconds per exercise. And, we’ve also included some more intense exercise variations to help burn more calories and stimulate extreme muscle growth.

Perform 3 rounds of the following:

  • KB swings
  • Push-Ups
  • Burpee box jump overs
  • Medicine Ball Crunches
  • Air squats


The advanced power couple workout is for the truly elite (masochistic) athletic couples out there that love to push the envelope in their workouts.

Can you hang?

Select a weight that you could do for 15 reps with good form for the following exercises.

Alternate every 5 reps:

  • 100 KB deadlifts
  • 100 DB thrusters
  • 100 pull ups
  • 100 jump squats   

Brute BCAA